October 2nd PM – Humpbacks, Orcas & the Pinnipeds of Race Rocks!
This afternoon we encountered Humpbacks, Orcas & the Pinnipeds of Race Rocks! Our afternoon included encountering a Superpod of Resident Orcas! We had members from all three pods south east of Race Rocks this afternoon and they were being very playful! During our encounter we saw some incredible breaches, tail slaps and spy hops 
We also got to see a Humpback Whale west of Race Rocks and we saw at least one tail fluke as the Humpback went on a deep dive. At Race Rocks we got to see playful Sea Lions, Harbor Seals and Northern Elephant Seals.
As if all this was not enough on our way back to Victoria we encountered Dall’s Porpoise that began to bow ride our boat and put on an amazing show!!!!
Please click on the link below to see some beautiful images by Marine Naturalist Jenna;
For more images from this day please click on the link below