THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2009, J, K & L-pods of Southern Resident (Fish-Eating) Killer Whales head away from Victoria, B.C. and then turn around!
This morning Five Star Whale Watching faced a dilemma: On its 10AM morning trip "Five Star Supercat" encountered Killer Whales West of Race Rocks near Secretary Island. These whales were swimming away from us, meaning that if they continued their speed and direction of travel then we would most likely not see these animals on our 2PM departure.
This occasionally happens, but usually we have the opportunity to find other pods in the afternoon. At first we confirmed that we had L-pod....then we found other whales from J-pod...and finally K-pod, meaning that all 87 Southern Resident Killer Whales were traveling together! It is very rare for them to turn in unison near Sooke. It almost never happens: But today it did!
The net result is that we had impressive sightings all day. Another lesson that nature is very tough to predict.
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