We first encountered the Gray Whale just after we left the Harbour this evening and the Whale was a couple miles South West of Trial Island heading towards Race Rocks at about 6 knots. The Gray Whale had first been sighted earlier in the day in Haro Strait south of Kelp Reef. Whilst we watched the Gray Whale we observed its pattern of 3 to 4 surfacings before sounding for around 6-8 minutes.
Then we headed East and encountered T20, a couple miles South East of Trial Island heading West. T20 & T21 had been sighted around midday by our vessel Supercat just south of Discovery Island. When we arrived on scene this evening T20 & T21 had split up and as we observed T20 he suddenly started Tail Slapping as if signaling to T21. Sure enough T21 was then spotted closer to shore off Victoria and was also observed Tail Slapping. It was a wonderful experience watching these two apex Predators communicating across several miles. We left T20 a couple of miles South East of Trial Island heading towards Race Rocks.
It was a truly breathtaking evening to be on the water:)
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