Here are a few images from this mornings encounter with a Humpback Whale and T20 & T21 Transient Orcas!
We found the Humpback Whale a few miles south of Constance Bank heading West. Our Captain, Trev, had stopped the boat and was scanning the area with his binoculars when the Humpback surface in the exact spot Trev was scanning:) We followed the Humpback Whale for a while and even saw it do a deep dive and show its tail flukes that can measure between 12' to 16' across!
As we were watching the Humpback, we received word that the Transient Orcas that has been sighted by a local fishing charter had been spotted near Beaumont Shoals, so off we went. We encountered T20 & T21 near Lime Kiln and as we were arriving on scene and slowly approaching from 3/4 mile away we could see the two Transient Orcas make a kill. It looked like they took down a Harbor Porpoise and after some frantic action we could see the two Orcas milling around as they finished off their latest meal.
We then followed T20 & T21 as they made there way across Haro Strait towards Kelp Reef! What a wonderful morning adventure:)
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