The pictures above show the Sealions lounging around on the Rocks at Race Rocks Ecological Researve.

Today we had at least 3 Humpbacks in the Juan De Fuca Strait and our passengers had an incredible time watching these large Whales. In the morning a Humpback was first sighted between Beachy Head and Race Rocks. Our passengers saw a number of Tail Flukes as the Whale began a deep dive but the highlight of the trip was a full breach just over 100 metres from the boat, it was amazing!!!
In the afternoon and especially the evening one Humpback in particular was being very active. During our evening trip we saw a lot of incredible lunge feeding by the Humpback and had some amazing passes by the animal close to the boat (just over 100 metres away)! It was a breathtaking spectacle for all on board.
We also travelled to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve and saw an Elephant Seal hauled out on the rocks, plus several Stellar and California Sealions including one animal with a tag number on it. Scientists have tagged some Sealions so that they can discover how far they travel from their traditional breading grounds. I will be sending the picture of this animal to local Marine Mammal Researcher Ron Bates, so that he can pass it on to the scientists.
After spending some more time with the 2 of the Humpbacks we headed to the Chain Islands Ecological Reserve where we saw several Seals and Pups, a large number of Harlequin Ducks, and Cormorants.
As we returned to Victoria we were met with another famous stunning Pacific Coast sunset!
I am so happy that you got a lot of those pictures posted so I could share the story of our trip with my mom. My name is Megan and I am the young lady studying to be a Marine Biologist just like Captain Trevor. We were aboard the SuperCat for evening whale watching that night. I would like to keep in touch to see which whales your group are identifying. I am requesting this because I would like to make a trip back to Victoria to witness Minke Whales and Kill Whales passing through the channel. Your pictures are amazing. Keep it up!
Megan from California
I am happy to hear you enjoyed your recent tour with Five Star Whale Watching, it was a pleasure having you on board.
Please feel free to email Five Star if you have any quesions about the Whales and other Wildlife we find in our area.
Good luck with your Marine Biology Degree course and we look forward to you coming out with us again in the future.
Naturalist and Asst. Manager
Five Star Whale Watching.
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