We had four different groups of Transient Orcas in the Juan De Fuca Strait today! T2's, T20's, T30's and T60's were all sighted within the area close to Victoria. During our 2.00pm tour we first encountered the T20's and T2's including the Bull Male T20 who was born in 1963 and has a distinctive nick at the top of his dorsal fin. As we arrived on scene it looked as though the Orcas had just made a kill, possibly a Harbor Seal or Harbor Porpoise.
Next we travelled a little further to the South East where we encountered the T30 group including a calf. We identified T36A a female born in 1990 (She has two spots under her chin that can help with i.d.), and T36A1. The group continued to move West and did not seem the least bit interested when the Dawn Princess past by. We then went back to the T20's and noticed they had split apart from the T2's who were now much further towards the East.
After another encounter with the Transients we then headed to Race Rocks where we saw several Sealions (Stellar and Californian), Harbor Seals and at least two Elephant Seals, one of which was hauling himself out of the water at the boat ramp.
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