Here are a few images from an incredible Humpback Whale encounter off Victoria on Oct 22nd, 2009. We headed out this morning at 9.30am and shortly after departing the harbour came across over 200 Harbor Porpoise feeding at Constance Bank. We then traveled a little furher into the Strait and our Eagle Eyed Captain, Trev, sighted the first Humpback about 3 miles East of Race Rocks. This is the full grown adult female Humpback Whale we believe is the mother of the 3 year old known as "Split Fin" or Bart". After watching the Humpback for a while we left to go towards Race Rocks as anoter boat arrived on scene.
At Race Rocks we saw several hundred California and Steller Sealions both in the water and on the rocks. We then headed back towards Constance Bank and came across a large group of very playful Dall's Porpoise who immediately started playing in the bow wave of our boat. The Dall's Porpoise seem to really enjoy playing in the bow wave created by the twin hulls of our Expedition Catamarans. After another boat came over we left the Dall's and continued on our way.
We spotted a number of Steller Sealions playing in the water and stopped to investigate. As we were watching the Sealions check out our boat suddenly the Humpback we had found earlier surfaced nearby and this time "Split Fin" was also there. The 2 Humpback Whales were trumpeting and splashing the water with their tales at two Sealions that were following closely. We then saw a terrific Cartwheel by the large Humpback Whale. "Split Fin" was also being very playful and was seen waving his large Pectoral Fin in the air. We were just south west of Constance Bank when we encountered these two Humpback Whales and it is amazing these wonderful encounters happen so close to Victoria!
The weather was cool and crisp, but the rain held off this morning and provided another unforgettable experience for our passenger and crew:)
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