Here are just a few images from today's encounter with L-pod and three Humpback Whales off Victoria!
Our owner, Eric Johnson, called the office from the Coho Ferry this afternoon after having spotted at least 3 Orcas 10 miles south of Victoria. So we headed out at 2.00pm to try and find these Orcas. Other boats assisted in the search but it was our Eagle eyed Capt, Trev Neufeld, that spotted the Orcas that turned out to be members of L-pod! We were a few miles south of Race Rocks when we encountered the first few Orcas but as we sat and scanned the area we could see Orcas spread out over a wide area, what a find:)
After watching L-pod for a while we headed over to Race Rocks to show our passengers the hundreds of Steller and California Sealions at this Marine Protected Area. For the first time this year we noticed the green protective covering had been taken down from Race Rocks Lighthouse, signaling the end to the extensive restoration done to the lighthouse. With its new coat of black and white paint the Lighthouse looks spectacular!
Next we ventured back into the Strait of Juan De Fuca and caught up with "Split Fin", a 3 year old Humpback Whale. There were several Sealions playing and at times tormenting "Split Fin" and we saw several cartwheels, tail flukes and pectoral slaps as "Split Fin" swatted at the Sealions! We also encountered 2 other Humpback Whales, both full grown and one was "Split Fin's" Mom:)
October continues to provide some of the best tours of the season!
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