Saturday, August 19, 2006

Aug 18th

Fabulous day out on the SuperCat today. The morning trip found us out searching the straits for our cetacean friends. We visited harbour seals at Chain Islets, and then went over to William Head where someone had found a stinky minke! Our passengers were content, and we decided to finish the trip with a visit to Race Rocks. En route, Trev swerved the SuperCat to a SE direction as we had word that there were transients at Dungeness Spit, over on the Washington side. Off we set and came to the T100's and another small group!

The afternoon brought us the delightful news that all our residents were inbound from the west, so off we set to Secretary Island, and saw all our black and white friends file past. Lovely playful social behaviour as they made slow progress east.

Our evening trip was just off the waterfront, with groups of orcas spread out, frolicking east towards San Juan. L41 and his grandmother, L12 came by! Glad to have them back after 4 days away.

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