Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Wildlife of the Week!

Welcome to another Wildlife of the Week which brings an opportunity to learn about another excellent Salish Sea species! What species have we chosen this time? Well, it is a small and quite common (but equally elusive) cetacean that you may or may not have caught a glimpse of before. The animal is not a dolphin, though it may appear as one, due to a few key differences.

The Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is an important component to the Salish Sea ecosystem. Has anyone seen a Harbour porpoise before? Was the animal alone, or in a group? The Harbour porpoise is often seen alone or in small groupings (6-10), however occasionally large “superpods”can be spotted. These are estimated to possibly number a hundred or more! To learn more about this mysterious creature, check out our blog at #welikeourwhaleswild #fivestarwhales #wildlifeoftheweek #harborporpoise


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