Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sept 2nd

SuperCats afternoon trip had the Cwmbach male choir from Wales on board! We saw the T100's up by D'arcy Island, and then with a group of 5 other transients that included T20, a male with a distinct square nick at the top of his dorsal fin. The crew were treated to a sample song from the men on board (see 3rd video link). Excellent!

By the time our evening trip came around the transients were too far away for us due to the early sunset. We had a wonderful time out west though, with 100's of harbour and Dall's porpoises south of Race Rocks, in flat calm seas. There were also 10's of thousands of seabirds! We were convinced we'd find a humpback, minke or fin whale, to no avail. Race Rocks was as stunning as ever, baked in a gorgeous sunset light.

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