Having spent most of the morning trip in mid Juan de Fuca strait, searching for whales, to then be told over the radio there were T's off Discovery Island, Victoria - grrr. We got to them, and were able to view 8-9 of them as they travelled in synchrony past Victoria, with another 7-8 behind them, a 3rd group off Hein Bank, and inbound T12's from Otter Point! Incredible. The movie link here shows the leading group off Victoria ...
This video, had to be embedded in the blog. Our 2pm trip .. We had just gone through Race Rocks, and viewed the seals and sealions, and we were sat off West Race as the T44 and T41 group came round and past Race from the south side ...
These T's then continued past north Race, and ventured west!
We decided to go and see inbound T12 and her son T12A, over in Becher Bay ...
As the Race Rocks group we'd just seen, passed the the inshore T12's, the T12's were lunging and splashing around, supposedly with a kill! Incredible!
So, thinking that this amazing afternoon trip could not possibly get any better, we stopped to view the last little group of transients, and low and behold we were all in for a surprise! National Geographic and David Attenborough eat your heart out .. We witnessed a female and juvenile toying, and playing cat and mouse with a young harbour porpoise. With the vessel shut down, we watched raw nature unfold before our very eyes. Do excuse the screaming from Marine Biologist Jacklyn, and the uncontrolable breathing and heart palpatations from myself. We do try and be professional, but times like this .. all professionalism out of the window! View the below links in order, and enjoy ...
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