This morning was glorious. Calm seas and blue skies gave way to two beautiful humpbacks milling south of Race Rocks. Thought to be a mother and her offspring, these humpbacks have been in our waters all summer, and there are approx 5 if not more sighted here. Caught some beautiful dives, showcasing the big beautiful tail flukes glisening in the sunlight. There were two transient killer whales circling the parameter of the humpbacks, as they have been in the area for the past week. Word has it, the transients have been checking out the humpbacks for a while now. I hope, they do not take one of them as food. We headed over through Race passage and saw the many male pinnipeds covering the rocks and the lighthouse stairs.
We headed on 5 miles east to where we found T100 and others hunting. They had made a kill below the surface and were foraging, each taking turns in groups of 2 and 3, while someone below kept the prey close guarded. The orcas came very close to a few whale watching boats, and I can only imagine what was going through the passengers minds as they looked into the eye of a hunter. After several beautiful passes, we headed home. It isn't every day that we see both killer whales and humpbacks, with the southern residents gone for the past few days, there certainly was not a shortage of animals to look at. We heard there was a 3rd group travling in the Juan De Fuca Strait as well. Last night, T41 and group was sighted inside the Ogden point breakwater, giving local Victorians an amazing spectacle. Not very often do the animals enter the Victoria inner harbour. I was unable to see this however know that this is the same group we saw earlier this week in Oak Bay. I hope they decide to stick around for a while so I can see them from the shoreline. Cheers to a great week out on the water!
I was not on this afternoons trip (was working on the Prince of Whales - Ocean Magic). However 5 star catamaran was visited by the jouvenile humpback who also spyhopped, and exposed his wonderful flukes to everyone. This is the same whale on Mike Grace's flickr site as well as on my site. I hope to learn more about this interesting encounter experienced by those on board that trip.
Some photos from Ron Bates;

PS. Mike Grace of Great Pacific Adventures has been capturing some magnificant moments of these humpbacks, be sure to check out all his amazing photos!
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