Wednesday, June 24, 2009

J & K Pod!! June 23rd, 2009.

A full boat of delighted passengers:)

Young couple relaxes whilst contemplating the amazing trip with J & Kpod!

Early this morning Ron Bates, MMRG, received reports that Orcas had been sighted off William Head. Ron coordinates the search for the whales everyday and works with people in both Canada and the US (drivers, fishermen and people on land). Every day an area almost the size of Texas must be searched for the Whales and other Marine wildlife we encounter and this search is organized by Commodore Ron;)

In the morning our vessel Fastcat followed the Orcas, soon id as J & K Pod by Ron and Naturalist Kyla (Kyla worked at the Center for Whale Research as a volunteer 2 summers ago, helping to identify the Southern Resident Orcas), as they made their way past the Victoria waterfront. The Orcas were in resting formation for most of the morning but picked up speed in the afternoon as they headed towards San Juan Island.

In the afternoon the we caught up with J Pod just north of Lime Kiln Lighthouse, whilst K Pod were still further south towards False Bay.

As we observed the Orcas we had a wonderful encounter with J16 "Slick"(born in 1972) and her off-springs that includes J26 "Mike" (a male born in 1991) and J42 (born in May 2007). This sub pod of Jpod is very typical of Resident Orca pod structure with a female with her off-spring that will stay with their mother as long as she is alive.

Our passengers were thrilled to see several breaches, spyhops, tailslaps, porpoising and more as we followed the Orcas past Henry Island.

Thanks to Ron Bates (the Whale Guru) and his network, we once again had a wonderful day on the water with the Southern Resident Orcas:)

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