I was not on the water today, but for a short time joined Corey on the whale spotting cliff at Walbran Park and watched two humpbacks - thought to be mother and calf out in the middle of Juan De Fuca Strait. Heard there was a third, possibly a male closer to Race Rocks, and earlier today they were grouped up. Corey said he'd seen some breaching earlier on today. Mount Baker was also very clear and got a nice view of that. Corey told us that JKL pods were out of range for 90% of the fleet (at east point), so they took in the humpbacks out in the Juan De Fuca Strait. I have to admit I am pretty excited about the fact that we've had humpbacks here this summer and can't wait to get a better look at these three. See the Be Whale Wise blog, for some excellent shots that Rachael got yesterday while monitoring at Race Rocks.
For some OUTSTANDING photos of the humpbacks, please see Mike Grace's of Great Pacific Adventures
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