Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Minke Whales & Transient Orcas! May 25th, 2013

This morning we traveled to Hein Bank and encountered at least 3 Minke Whales lunge feeding! As we were watching the Minke Whales a call came over the radio that a group of Transient Orcas had been spotted near Race Rocks, so off we went hoping to track them down. We caught up with the Transient Orcas near Albert Head as they had swiftly moved towards Victoria! In the afternoon we caught up with the Orcas again, this time just North of William Head. Whilst we were watching the Orcas they made at least one if not 2 kills, and we saw a number of Tail flukes and flips as they chased down their prey! We also got to see the start of the Swiftsure Race this morning, though conditions were less than ideal for the sailors as the wind was very light.

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