Tuesday, June 27, 2006

J's & L's

Well, you probaby don't want to hear this but my CF card is corrupt and today's photos are GONE! And what was captured on that card you ask? Hopefully one of the other naturalists can fill in some of their photos in absence of mine. Here is what we saw this morning. We arrived at San Juan Island, Lime Kiln park and found J pod traveling quickly northbound with some of the L's trailing. Granny J1 and Ruffles J2 lead the group. Caught a lovely glimpse of J1 fishing with a partial lunge after some underwater high persuit fishing. Highlight was most definately Faith L57 courting Polaris J28. Yes, I had some interesting photos of what appeared to be one animal on top of another, and at one point the other was semi rolled over on her side. We can only assume what was going on under the surface :)

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