3 trips for the Supercat today. The morning found us all the way up north by South Pender Island, by the bluffs, with J's and L12's.
The afternoon saw us in the company of a surprise humpback whale on the north end of Enterprise Channel. The humpback travelled SW, at a good clip of 7 knots. We continued on to see K pod off Stuart Island, and encountered a nursery group of K's, 3 moms and their kids, one being K28 with her brand new baby looking very well.
For the evening trip we knew that all groups of orcas were out of our time/distance range, so we headed SW hoping to catch our humpback. 4-6ft waves out there hindered our search. We swung by Seabird Lighthouse, Lime Kiln Lighthouse, looking for Dalls porpoises. No luck. Everything seemed to be holding its breath as the Supercat passed overhead!
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