Fantastic! What a day. Sunshine all round. We had a day of Transient Killer Whales, those that choose mammals over fish! We had the T100's SE of Race Rocks, and managed to watch the 7 animals as they ventured at a casual relaxed pace towards Victoria. We headed over to Race Rocks to view the elephant seals and harbour seals. We stole another 15 minutes with the transients as we ventured closer to Victoria harbour and back to the dock. Our afternoon trip found us with the newly arrived T10's, T10 herself, another small animal and T10B, her mature son! We watched this group carry out at least 2 kills, as we puttered around D'arcy Island, and the south end of Sidney Island. The T100's were close by, travelling north up the west side of Haro Strait. Exciting to know that J pod were also coming round the corner at Turn Point, but we were happy to just enjoy the company of the T's.
1 comment:
ooo sounds like an amazing trip! i'll be out there soon.
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