Wow what a great day!! Morning trip found the SuperCat out by Lime Kiln, San Juan Island, with all of L pod!! K pod were further north, and J's were off Cypress Island, in Rosario. We watched L's gently roll around in the swells of current off the park, not really going anywhere, but having a good social get together. I had family friends (Chris, Isobel, Jill and Angela) out with us, and they had a great time.
The afternoon trip had us south of Pile Point and Salmon Bank, offshore, with L pod once again. Gaia (L78) spent some time with us, and we had lots of actively foraging groups of L's all over the place! Non directional, just enjoying the good food down there! Word on the radio of a sea otter off Trial Island, so that was pretty exciting news to hear.
Our evening trip was spectacular! Somehow, J's, K's and L's all got together, in the picturesque setting off Griffin Bay, between San Juan and Lopez Island. It was magnificent. A small number of whale watching boats, a sail boat, and a small skiff, enjoying the show. Fabulous vocalisations. All the animals were very boisterous, socialising, breaching, tail slapping, pec slapping, spyhopping, lunging, with one of the mature boys coming towards us upside down showing his manhood!! We all wanted to drop anchor, and stay overnight, it was that pretty!
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