Oh the evening trip. How we love the evening trips. We had a very Fast Cat zip by us off the waterfront ... 5* Whale Watching's new vessel ... FastCat. Great to see her on the water. We headed off to see J-pod accompanied by L57, Faith. They were just off Battleship Island, and heading towards Turn Point at a very leisurely place. Ruffles was at the head of the group, nursery groups behind, and L57's ladies at the rear. We saw lots of breaches from all ages, and a lovely pass by of L57's group at the end of the trip with some 'raspberry blowing' sounds coming from one animals blowhole. As we were pointed towards Victoria, and going home we heard that K's and L's are inbound from Race Rocks, so we kept out eyes peeled, but a misty horizon made for difficult viewing. Satisfying day on the water.
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