Legislative Building, lit up and looking stunning!
Fastcat passes by Ogden Point breakwater after returning from another amazing tour.

Almost Full Moon
Fastcat cruising along the calm waters of the Strait of Juan De
Fuca, with Mt. Olympus in the background.

Above and below, stunning west coast Sunset!

Fastcat in the distance about to leave the Harbor and passing by two cruise ships at Ogden Point.

Passengers enjoy our spacious upper deck whilst listening to Marine Naturalist Kirsten.
Scotty is at the wheel and enjoying a beautiful evening on the water!

Passengers enjoy are heated cabin area on the way home from Race Rocks.

Moon reflecting on perfectly calm sea!

The picture below and 2 above show
Steller Sealions enjoying the warmth at Race Rocks.

Below, Harbor Seals at Race Rocks. Above, Northern Elephant Seals showing signs of a Catastrophic

Bald Eagle at Race Rocks

If you look closely you can see an I.D. number on this
Sealion. I have sent this picture to Ron Bates,
MMRG, so that he can pass it on to the relevant researchers.

Above California
Sealions enjoy the heat during one of the hottest days of they year so far.

Breaching Harbor Porpoise, a rare sight indeed!

Above and below are a number of pictures of todays spectacular encounter with Harbor Porpoise.

This curious Harbor Seal popped up near our boat as we watched the harbor Porpoise.

Here are just a few pictures from
todays incredible wildlife adventure with Five Star including some amazing sunset photos and a stunning picture of the Parliament Building!
During our afternoon tour we came across at least 150 Harbor Porpoise in
Haro Strait and as we sat with our engines off both passengers and crew watched in awe as these small
Cetaceans swam around our boat. We were even fortunate enough to see one Harbor Porpoise Breach, a rare sight usually only seen when they are being hunted by Transient
In the evening we took out passengers from one of the several cruise ships that visit Victoria during the summer and headed over to Race Rocks at Dusk, a magical time to visit this Marine Protected Area. We were also treated to a spectacular full moon reflecting on the perfectly calm seas and a breathtaking Pacific Coast sunset!
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