Wednesday, May 26, 2010

J & L-pod plus a Humpback Whale! May 26th, 2010.

Humpback Whale just off Victoria! This Humpback has a very unusual Dorsal fin.

Here are a few images from todays unforgettable encounter with J & L-pod plus a Humpback Whale!

We heard a report in the early afternoon that Orcas had been sighted heading towards Victoria from out west. Not long after it was confirmed that J & L-pod were at Point no Point heading East:) So off we headed for our afternoon tour hoping to finally see two pods of the Southern Resident Orcas together for the first time this season.

On our way out to find the Orcas we suddenly spotted a Humpback Whale just a few minutes outside the harbour (good eyes Kaegan) and so we stopped for a while to watch this Baleen Whale.

After watching the Humpback Whale for a while we continued on our way and spotted our first Orca just west of Beecher Bay:) As we looked towards the west we could see a large number of blows and dorsal fins moving towards us, it was an awesome sight. Even more exciting was when we listened to the Orcas over the new on board Hydrophone and they were being very vocal. Listening to Orcas in the wild is a thrill not to be missed!

Whilst on scene we saw lots of activity including breaches, back flips, cart wheels and even some mating with one of our favorite males, J 27 "Blackberry" showing off;)

What an amazing day!!

1 comment:

Parag said...

Very lucky indeed. Sighting a Humpback whale in its full floe is an awesome experience.