We decided to cancel our 10.00 am tour today due to heavy fog throughout the Juan De Fuca and Haro Strait and after hearing from a boat that could not even see its own bow sprit, we knew the right decision had been made.
So we waited to see if the fog would burn off and although at times it looked like it would clear the fog hung around stubbornly all day. We were contemplating on cancelling our 2.00pm tour when reports came in that a Humpback Whale had been sighted near Otter Point and assured that the Fog was lifting. So off we ventured in search of the Humpback and we were rewarded with quite the adventure. We caught up with the Humpback a few miles south of Otter Point and soon witnessed the first of a number of impressive tail flukes. All the boats on scene had to fan out whenever the Whale did a deep dive in order to keep track of the Humpback as the visibility was down to a few hundred yards.
We watched the Humpback for over 30 minutes and then headed over to Race Rocks. The Fog by now had really socked in and it was quite thrilling when the first Sea lion covered rocks appeared out of the fog. Although we could not see all the Sea lions in the area we could still hear and see them!
On the way into Victoria Harbor the Fog was still like Pea Soup and yet out of the fog popped up a Harbor Seal. What an end to another West Coast Adventure!
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