After a few days out west the Southern Resident Orcas returned to the Salish sea late yesterday evening and we caught up with them today by Turn Point heading towards Vancouver!
I managed to identify a number of Orcas including L26 "Baba", J34 "Doublestuf", J30 "Riptide" and K40 "Raggedy". The Orcas were spread out near Turn Point and we could see lots of tail slapping and even some breaches as cartwheels as the pods decided which way to go. In the end they decided to head North East along Boundary Channel.
Earlier on our way up to Turn Point we came across a number of Dall's Porpoise that began to bow-ride our boat, it was a real thrill to see these amazing Cetaceans fly through the water at speeds up to 50kmph!
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