Thursday, September 22, 2011

T31 Transient Orca & playful Humpback Whales! Sept 17th, 2011

We headed out west towards Sheringham Pt. after receiving a report from a local fisherman that an Orca had been spotted to the south of the lighthouse!

As soon as we arrived on scene we ID the Orca as T31, a male Transient Orca born in 1954 and now one of the oldest male Orcas we know. He was traveling slowly east towards Race Rocks, MPA, whilst we followed this supreme top predator!

A little further to the east we also encountered two Humpback Whales, a Mother & Calf. Whilst we were watching the calf it became very playful and we witnessed a number of tail slaps and cartwheels:)

On our way home we also stopped at Race Rocks to show our delighted guests the hundreds of Sealions & Seals there!

It was an incredible day to be on the water:)

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