Sunday, July 06, 2008

Baleen Extravaganza! July 4th, 2008.

The 4 pictures above show the Humpback with its mouth full of Krill.

The tail of a Humpback can measure 18' across from tip to tip.

These pectoral fins can be 1/4-1/3 the size of a Humpback Whale and these Whales can reach 50' long!!!

Steller Sealion on the North marker
Minke Whale near Hein Bank

The first 5 pictures above were taken by Ron Bates, MMRG.

To celebrate the 4th of July we had an amazing day with two different species of Baleen Whales!

In the morning we encountered a very playful Minke Whale near Hein Bank a shallow bank where nutrients collect and attract a wide variety of marine mammals. Apart from the Minke Whale we also saw a Steller Sealion on the north bank marker.

During our afternoon and evening trips we observed a number of very active Humpback Whales. One Humpback in particular was being very active and thrashing its tail on the surface repeatedly, which was exciting to watch. The Humpback was also seen lunge feeding and waved its enormous pectoral fins several times.

On our way home we were treated to another spectacular sunset!

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