Eagle at Great Chain feeding.
Tail Fluke
Northern Elephant Seal
Harbor Seals at Chain Islets.
Steller Sealions.

The three pictures above were taken by Ron Bates, MMRG, as Lpod moved towards Victoria from the west.
Today our first encounter with Orcas occured as Lpod headed East along the Strait of Juan De Fuca and we caught up with them at Otter Point! As we arrived on scene we watched as Lpod Porpoised (high speed swimming) through the Strait towards Victoria. We also saw several tail slaps, spyhops and even a breach in the distance. On our way back to Victoria we stopped in at Race Rocks where we saw several Harbor Seals, Steller Sealions and a very large Male Northern Elephant Seal. The sight of this 13' long, 4500 lb Pinniped (Seals and Sealions) was awesome and thrilled both the passengers and crew!
During our evening tour we traveled to False Bay where we encountered a very active Jpod:) We observed a lot of foraging, tail flukes, and some amazing spyhops. J42, J16 "Slick", J26 "Mike" and J28 "Polaris" were among the members of Jpod we saw during the trip. On our way home we stopped off at the Chain Islets to see the many Seals with Pups. At Great Chain we observed a Bald Eagle feeding on what looked like a Seagull Chick.
A stunning sunset welcomed us home as we hit Victoria Harbor after another fantastic day:)
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