Saturday, October 18, 2008

T20 & T21 Transient Orcas!! Oct 17th, 2008.

T20 Tail Fluke as he dives after a Harbor Seal!

T20 (Below) and T21 (above), Mother & Son.

Race Rocks Hydro Generator undergoing maintenance. This generator can produce power in either direction of the current and provides electricity for the lighthouse and other building on the main rock. Learn more by visiting

This sequence of 7 pictures (above & below) shows T20 surfacing.

T21 surfacing above and below

Steeler Sealions near Race Rocks.

T21 making a kill with T20.

T20 & T21

We set out at 10 am for our final morning trip of the season with a full boat hoping to find either a Humpback Whale or Orcas. After searching for a while we hit the jackpot with a report that two Transient Orcas had been sighted nearby. As we arrived on scene we soon identified the Orcas as T20 and T21, a mother and son pairing. We had an incredible encounter with T20 and T21 as we watched them make a kill, probably a Harbor Seal. The 2 Orcas then made their way past Race Rocks and as they moved south it looked like they made another kill! Orcas need to eat about 5% of their body weight a day, so a male weighing almost 10 tons can consume a large amount of food.

After an amazing time with the 2 Apex predators we headed over to Race Rocks to check out the Seals and Sealions. For the second day in a row the Steller Sealions came to check out our boat, much to the delight of our passengers. 

October continues to provide amazing encounters for our passengers during our tours! 

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