Here are a few images from the my final trip of the 2010 season where we encountered 7 Humpback Whales, the Gray Whale & a Minke Whale!
I could not have asked for a more perfect trip to end my 2010 season, we had great weather, wonderful passengers, and amazing wildlife:) We started our encounters with my favorite Gray Whale that we found near Chatham Island, who was first sighted in the area in June. We had been looking around Fulford Reef Marker when I first spotted a blow on the south side of the reef.
Our next encounter was with Minke Whale in Haro Strait who we spotted near a tide line before going on a deep dive. When the Minke next popped up it was near our stationary vessel!
After watching a number of Porpoise and Harbor Seals we headed over to Race Rocks and on our way we encountered the first of up to 7 Humpback Whales! The first 2 Humpback Whales we encountered were the mother & calf that have been hanging out in the Salish Sea since August.
By the time we had finished we had counted up to 7 different Humpback Whales off Victoria!
I've really enjoyed the 2010 season and could not have asked for a better trip to finish the season:)
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