We headed out of the Harbour this afternoon and headed West to catch up with L-pod that we had encountered off the water front in the morning. As we passed by Church Rock we suddenly started to see blows and dorsal fin close to shore and soon realized we had encountered a pod of Transient (Marine Mammal Eaters) Orcas heading East. It was obvious they were hugging the shore line to try to avoid a confrontation with L-pod and what a wonderful find:)
After watching the Transients we headed further South West and once again encountered members of L-pod including L41 "Mega". The Orcas were swiftly moving West through choppy waters.
We next had a nice visit to Race Rocks MPA where we showed out guests the various wildlife to be found there including Stellar & California Sealions.
Our final encounter of the day was with a large Humpback Whale a little East of Race Rocks:)
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