Monday, October 04, 2010

Fun afternoon with J & K-pod & Gray Whale! Oct 2, 2010

Crazy Five Star Naturalists, Christa & Andrew, having fun:)

Andrew doing his deer in headlights impression along with bright pink gloves he borrowed from a passenger, we think he gave them back;)

Christa (above) & Ron (below) doing the deer in headlights impression:)

Above & below, Ron the Whale Guru and Naturalist Christa having a laugh, we love our job:)

Marine Naturalist Christa, looks after a young passenger.

Here are a few images from a fun afternoon with J & K-pod & Gray Whale near Turn Point! By the time we caught up with J & K-pod this afternoon they had already reached Stewart Island but thankfully as we arrived on scene the Orcas slowed down and began to forage:)

We had some amazing displays of Orcas hunting for fish and could even see mothers teaching their calves how to hunt the large Salmon they feed on! We also observed a couple of breaches, taillobs, tailslaps, cartwheels and spyhops as we sat in awe of these amazing Marine Mammals and apex predator:)

On our way home we also encountered our favorite Gray Whale that has been hanging around the area all summer.

Our passengers were a fun group and resulted in the crew being in a very fun mood as can be seen from the pictures above, it was a very special afternoon on the water!

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