With the assistance of various researchers, including Ron Bates of MMRG, we have confirmed reports that at least some members of K & L Pod have been sighted off the West Coast of San Juan Island. Our boat was one of the first on scene as Ron coordinated the search for the southern Resident Orcas after receiving reports that Jpod had been sighted along with other Orcas early this morning. Ron Bates, our on board researcher, coordinates the search for the Orcas and other whales almost every day using his network of contacts across the local area. Thanks Ron, you were the hero again today and that is why you are called the Whale Guru;)
Today was the first time K & Lpod had been sighted in our area, having not been seen since January 27, 2008 off Monterey, California, and Sekiu, Washington, on February 29, 2008. This was a very special day and personally I had not seen K or Lpod since the end of October last year.
Please see the separate post above for more details and pictures from this special day!!
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