Although many consider Friday the 13th to be an unlucky day, those of us fortunate to be on the water today would strongly disagree:) In the morning we encountered Jpod between Andrew's Bay and Kellit Bluff, off the west coast of the San Juan Islands. At first all 25 members of Jpod were heading North and then suddenly changed direction and started heading south again. We had a nice encounter with J1 "Ruffles" as well as J2 "Granny" and J8 "Spieden".
In the afternoon the change of direction of Jpod became clear as members of both Lpod and Kpod appeared south East of Discover Island:) Whilst technically not a Superpod as not all members of L and K pod were in the area we did have a large number of orcas who were definitely in party mode! We observed some breathtaking interaction between members of the pods, plus several breaches, tailslaps, cartwheels and spyhops:) Due to the clarity of the water the conditions were perfect for seeing the whales when they were beneath the surface as well as above the surface. It was a great time to be on the water and made me appreciate once again what a privilege it is to work as a marine naturalists and observe these magnificent marine mammals almost every day!
The pictures above are just some of the highlights from the over 1000 pictures I took today;)
1 comment:
I may be back for July (gotta take care of some stuff at home) and if so I hope to get out on board for at least a few trips!
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