Thursday, July 30, 2009

Unforgettable Summer's Day on the water! July 29th, 09.

Here are some more images from a unforgettable summer's day on the Salish Sea! In the morning we had a surprise visit from T20 & T21 just off the Victoria Waterfront:) We also saw a Bald Eagle and several Northern Elephant Seals at Race Rocks.

In the afternoon we ventured North East and caught up with L-pod near Turn Point. We saw a number of L-pod High-speed Porpoising down Haro Strait and then at least four Orcas could be seen fishing! We also had a wonderful encounter with L86 and her new calf L112:)

On our way home we saw Harbor Porpoise, a Minke Whale and several Harbor Seals with Pups:) What an amazing day!!!

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