Sunday, July 14, 2013

First Superpod of the season! July 8th, 2013

Today the Resident Orcas formed the 1st "Superpod" (all of J, K & L-pod together) of the 2013 season! It was an amazing experience to encounter 80+ Resident Orcas traveling together for the first time this season:) On our 10am tour we caught up with the Resident Orcas near Becher Bay as they had moved in from the west very early in the morning. The Orcas seemed in a very playful mood and we observed lots of tail slapping, cartwheels, pectoral waves and breaches. The 80 plus Orcas were spread over a large area and all moving East towards San Juan Island.

This was also the first time we had seen K-pod in the Salish Sea since last October and they had been missed! We had a special moment this morning with K20 "Spock", her son K38 "Comet", and K25 "Scoter".

During the afternoon tour the Resident Orcas had moved near Discovery Island and although they entered a fog bank we still got some incredible encounters. As they crossed into Haro Strait the Superpod began to divide with J & K-pod heading north whilst L-pod went south.

We had all been waiting for this day for a long time this season and the buzz around the area was of shear excitement:)

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