Saturday, July 07, 2007

K & J Pod evening trip July 6, 2007

If you look closley you can spot Five Star's answer to David Bailey:)

Cpt. Trev
Naturalist "Rachael"
The above pictures were taken by Marine Naturalist Merina.

Breach right behind Fastcat!

Mt. Baker and Kpod

Ruffles @ sunset

J1 "Ruffles"

Fastcat, Kpod & Mt. Baker.

Humpback Whale near Discovery.

Naturalist Merina.

Skipper "Trev"
Ruffles at Sunset

J1 "Ruffles" and Mt. Baker


Sunset over Victoria.

K26 "Lobo" born 1992

Kpod & Mt. Baker

Wow!!! That is the best way to describe our evening trip with a Humpback near Discovery and K & J Pod in Haro Strait off the west coast of the San Juan Islands, it really was an unforgettable trip.

We had only just left the harbor when Skipper Trev noticed a blow directly ahead of us, which turned out to be from a young Humpback Whale. What a start to the trip! Then we headed over to False Bay and came across Kpod travelling south. The pod was spread out and became quite active as we arrived with several breaches, spyhops and tailslaps observed. It just kept getting better and better as the evening went by.

Then we sighted more blows and fins further off shore and on closer inspection we found J1 "Ruffles" and other members of Jpod! It was an unexpected and delightful surprise to one of the best evening trips of the year so far. The amazing evening sky and sunset over Victoria was the perfect ending to the trip.

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