Puffin photos by Ron Bates

We were not far from Victoria, south of Discovery Island and found that Lpod was spread right across the entire Juan de Fuca Strait They were heading south east to San Juan Island. They were seen by the Oak Bay gulf course and for miles off shore. We were at the cross road between Haro and Juan de Fuca Straits. We watched the L11's traveled. A few large freighters moved through the area.
One freighter moved right through the fleet which was miles wide but we were in the middle of it. What was amazing is that this boat appeared moved off course to steer away from the orcas. Amazing to say the least and what a sight it was!
The pod of L11's were in their small group and split up along side the boat. I was told by other whale watchers on scene that some were wake surfing (the bow because I had my eyes on the stern) including Mega / L41. If you ask me, it sure seemed like the orcas did what they wanted, and rather then moving away from the vessel they were interactive around it and curious because they remained quite close. Everyone was fine, it was just an interesting observation made by many.
After that we took at peek at the Great Chain islands were the harbour seals were hauled out. We spotted a few pups as well. A variety of active sea birds also in the area as well as one Tufted Puffin! I missed it unfortunately but next time! Please see Ron's photos above. Today we experienced some very interesting sightings!
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