Here are a few images from our Breathtaking encounter with 2 very Acrobatic Humpback in the morning!
We were only a few miles south of Victoria this morning when 2 Humpback Whales, a Mother and Calf, were spotted. The first glimpse of the Humpbacks I had was when the youngster Cartwheeled, and we were still a couple of miles away from the scene.
Not long after we arrived on scene the young Calf began to cartwheel and tail lob, then suddenly to everyone's delight the youngster breached multiple times, it was amazing! Then the mother also Cartwheeled and tail slapped, we even had the two animals doing synchronized tail lobs:)
We left the two Humpbacks just heading East towards Dungeness Spit into the fog after an amazing encounter!
On our way home we stopped off at Race Rocks MPA, to show our passengers the countless harbor Seals, Northern Elephant Seals and both Steller & California Sealions.
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