Here are a few images from our Intimate evening encounter with J8 and friends!
We had to travel all the way to East Point this evening to encounter the Orcas but we were determined to show our passengers Orcas and in fact we were the only big boat from Victoria that saw Orcas today:)
As we arrived on scene we could see several Orcas coming around East Point from Georgia Strait including J8 "Spieden". We witnessed several breaches, tailslaps and a Spyhop as the Orcas moved through Boundary Bay towards Turn Point!
On our way home we encountered a group of very playful Harbor Porpoise and with the setting sun it made for the perfect finale to our trip:)
Excellent pictures and what an experience i particularly like the porpoise pictures, what species is this?
The Porpoise in the pictures were Harbor Porpoise.
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