This afternoon we caught up with Jpod and members of L12's, including L41 "Mega", near Pender Bluffs. The Orcas were in resting mode when we arrived and it was wonderful to see their graceful diving pattern as several members of the Pod surfaced simultaneously.
Oops...try again...
My husband and I were on the 2:00 pm tour on June 14th and I was quite disappointed that we did not see any whales. The cruise itself was a lot of fun though, and for someone who really needs a holiday, that one day out of my BC Book Tour was still a fabulous day. However, I soooo wanted to see some killer whales.
I'm the author who left you all some bookmarks near the coffee, and I hope you check out my novel Whale Song, since it is set on Vancouver Island--Bamfield and Victoria.
I also invite you to check out my blog - http://www.cherylktardif.blogspot.com
I wrote about my whale watching trip and about my lovely dinner afterward. Look for the post titled: Whale Watching and Seafood Linguine. :)
Thank you for a breath-taking cruise. I enjoyed that part, I loved being out on the water, the wind whipping through my hair. But next time, could you please ask those darned whales to wait for me? :)
I'll be back!
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
author of Whale Song, Divine Intervention and The River
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