Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pictures of Resident and Transient Orcas by Ron Bates, MMRG. Aug 20th, 2008.

Tufted Puffin:)


Here are some pictures taken by Ron Bates, MMRG, from todays encounters with members of Lpod (including L73) in the morning and a large group of Transients (15 to 20) in the afternoon.


Chris said...

Fantastic blog! Great pictures. I am a big fan of whales. Have you heard of a book called Leviathan by Eric Dolin? Very interesting look at history of whaling in America, if you're interested. Glad it all came to a stop--whales are fascinating?

Do "right" whales exist any more?

Jpodlover said...

Thanks for the comment Chris.

Yes, Northern Right Whales still exist although we do not see them in our local waters.