T31 was in a playful mood today:)
A large Humpback was spotted this afternoon.
We spotted this Stellar Sealion in the afternoon chomping on a large 40lb Halibut!
T31 is a lone male Transient Orca.
Apart from finding T31 we also sighted a Minke Whale and what turned out to be a large Humpback.
Bald Eagle near Race Rocks.
Turkey Vultures sour in the up drafts waiting for a strong thermal to carry them over the Strait of Juan De Fuca.
We set out this morning at 9am and as we were the only boat on the water it was up to Five Star to find the whales for the fleet and find them we did:) Not long after we set out we stumbled upon T31 near Race Rocks and as we watched this supreme hunter he was being very playful, tail slapping, tail fluking, doing a couple of pectoral slaps and kelping (playing in the kelp beds). As another boat finally arrived on scene we left T31 and headed over to Race Rocks MPA to see the Harbor Seals and Stellar & California Sealions.
On our way home we spotted a Humpback Whale in the distance and as we made our way East a Minke Whale suddenly popped up near our vessel about 200 yrds away!
In the afternoon we headed out again to spend time with T31. On the way we spotted a Stellar Sealion chomping on a large Halibut. We then heard that the Humpback Whale that we had sighted in the morning had been spotted again so off we went. As we arrived on scene we soon realized that this was a large female, later id as BCY0324. After spending time with this large baleen whale and seeing some spectacular tail flukes, we headed off to T31. This time T31 was south east of Race Rocks heading towards the MPA.
Our final visit of the day was to Race Rocks once again and so ended another incredible day on the water!
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