We were the first Whale Watching boat out on the water this morning and so it was up to Five Star to find the whales! After searching various areas throughout the Salish Sea we received a report from a Fisherman that Orcas had been sighted in the fog near Beachey Head. So off we headed out West and soon caught up with members of Lpod. We observed the Orcas foraging and feeding on Salmon as they moved Westward. Despite the fog we had an incredible encounter that thrilled our passengers. On our way home we stopped at Race Rocks and observed a large number of Harbor Seals, Steller & California Sealions and a full grown Male Northern Elephant Seal.
In the afternoon we headed towards the San Juan Islands and caught up with embers of J & K Pod including K21 "Cappacino". The Orcas were being very active with various social behavior and possibly some courting:) We saw a couple of breaches, tail slaps and spy hops as well during our trip. The gorgeous weather made for another perfect day on the water!
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