Today we set out with a full boat (almost 40 people) of excited passengers eager to see for themselves the breathtaking wildlife that can be seen in abundance in October.
We first made a stop near Haystack after Skipper Trev and Marine Mammal Researcher, Ron Bate, spotted a Bald Eagle on the rocks nearby. The Eagle took into flight after we had been watching it for a while and seeing these majestic birds fly is always a magnificent sight. Whilst at Haystack we also saw several Harbor Seals and a Stellar Sealion.
Next we headed over to Race Rocks to view the many Stellar & California Sealions as well more Harbor Seals. We are not sure why but as we were sat quietly watching the Stellar Sealions, they all suddenly bolted for the water, maybe it was time to go fishing!
After Race Rocks we headed over to Constance Bank and there we saw at least 3 Humpback Whales and there was possibly more. Just as we arrived we saw one Humpback waving it large Pectoral fin. We then concentrated on watching one particular pairing who were doing some stunning tail flukes as they went on deep dives. The 2 Humpbacks were moving around in large circles for a while before heading towards Albert Head.
It was another stupendous day on the water and days like this leave us filled with awe!
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