Saturday, September 29, 2012

Transient Orcas in the afternoon! Sept 25th, 2012

With the fog lifting we headed south west of Victoria this afternoon and encountered a pod of Transient Orcas west of race Rocks!
The Transient Orcas had just been spotted south of race Rocks a while before we headed out on out 2pm tour and we caught up with them a little to the south west of race Rocks, heading west towards the Pacific Ocean. As we observed the Transient Orcas, they split up into two groups, a mother with her calf, and then two older animals. We were wondering what was happening when we suddenly spotted a Steller Sea Lion in the water nearby, obviously the reason the Orcas had split up. The next thing we knew the Steller Sea Lion appeared off the stern of our vessel swimming towards us as fast as he could. It looked like he was trying to hide from the Transient Orcas who seemed to have lost him. We watched the guy circle the boat a few times, obviously stressed and in fear. Then we spotted the Orcas again way off in the distance and the Sea Lion was safe!
On our way home we stopped at Race Rocks ecological reserve to show our guests more Sea Lions and also Seals.

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