Monday, August 20, 2012

Transient Orcas south of Victoria! Aug 15th, 2012

We headed out this morning in search of whales and not long into our trip received a report that a pod of Transient Orcas had been found south of Race Rocks! As we arrived on scene we could see the Transient Orcas zig zagging across the Strait of Juan De Fuca in search of their next prey, either a Harbor Seal or Harbor Porpoise. After watching the Transient Orcas hunting for a while we headed over to Race Rocks Marine Protected Area to show our guests the Seals & Sealions that can be found relaxing on the rocks. However, just as we arrived we heard a loud boom as ordnance was being exploded at Bentinck Island and all the Seal Lions panicked and dove into the water!!

In the afternoon we headed more to the South East as the Transient Orcas had traveled towards Dungeness Spit. When we arrived on scene we could again see signs of hunting by the Orcas but we did not see any kills, probably a good thing considering how many young children we had on board;) On our way home we stopped of near Discovery & Chatham Island and then the Chain Islets to show our guests the abundance of wildlife that can be found in these areas:)

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