Monday, August 31, 2009

Comment on NOAA proposed regulations for 2010.

Whilst we were watching J-pod, we noticed this fishing boat a few yards off-shore of Lime Kiln Lighthouse heading directly for at least 4-5 Orcas. This is further proof that we do not need NOAA to implement the new proposed regulations, instead we need stronger and more effective enforcement of the regulations that are already in place. I took several pictures of the boat heading towards the Orcas.

On Saturday I also took pictures showing the Seine Fishing boats on the West side of San Juan Island, taking out of the water the very Salmon the SRKW's rely on for food. You have to ask why NOAA are still allowing this, especially after one vessel sank on Friday night spilling gallons of oil into the ocean?!! Why has more publicity or concern not been made about this issue and the effects it could have on the SRKW's. Look at all the controversy and concern when the barge sank in Robson Bite! Yet under the new proposed regulations fishing vessels and larger ships will still be allowed within a 1/2 mile of San Juan Island, how does this protect the Orcas? They are even talking about making kayakers have to paddle 1/2 mile offshore of San Juan Island!!

The main reason the Orcas are endangered is due to the 60 Orcas that were taken out of the population in the 70's, the pollution in the ocean and the serious lack of Salmon. The existing regulations have only been in place for two years and yet we are already seeing benefits, thanks in part to the continued efforts by Soundwatch and Straitwatch on educating the private boaters. I believe NOAA should be funding Soundwatch and DFO should provide funds for Straitwatch so that the education and monitoring can continue to be effective. NOAA and DFO should then place more efforts and resources on ways of tackling the main issue facing the SRKW's, a serious lack of Salmon.
The Whale Watching industry give thousands of people each year to admire the Southern Resident Orcas in their natural environment and educate people on the plight of these magnificent Marine Mammals. The proposed regulations will severely limit our ability to educate and inspire people in the future yet have no benefit to the Orcas as they will still allow fishing and noise from large vessels in this critical area.
If you would like to send a comment to NOAA about the new proposed guideline please visit the following link
Together we can fight these ridiculous proposals and help save the Southern Resident Orcas so that future generations can admire these Whales for years to come!

Andrew Lees
Assistant Manager and Marine Naturalist
Five Star Whale Watching

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