Aug 10th – Lpod off San Juan Island!
Today we had a lovely encounter with members of Lpod including the L12’s and L22 off San Juan Island. The Orcas were spread out from south of False Bay to north of Lime Kiln. L41 “Mega” was cruising by himself off shore of Lime Kiln and it was great to see the big guy again
L41 is the oldest male Orca in the Southern Resident Orca population and was born in 1977. The average age for male Orcas in the wild is believed to be 30-40 years but we have seen a number of males living into their later 50’s/early 60’s. Females liv a lot longer averaging between 50-80 years old but in Jpod we have J2 “Granny” who is believed to have been born in 1911, making her 104!! L41 has two sisters, L77 who is the mother of L119, and L94 who is the mother of L113 & L121 who was one of the four new calves born this winter/spring.

Apart from the Orcas we also encountered Harbor Porpoise and many Harbor Seals at the Chain Islets.
You can see more images from this tour by clicking on the link below;
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